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Welcome to the Roxbury Invitational Website!
33rd Annual
Concert, Show, Jazz and Pop Choir Invitational
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Roxbury High School
Succasunna, NJ 07876

About The Invitational

Title Descriptions
Invitational Details Schools that have been sent an invitation need to return the enclosed Festival Application Form by November 8, 2024 to request a performance spot at the festival. You will be notified if you are selected as a participating choir in the Festival by December 13, 2024. Please note that spots in all choir categories are limited.
Single Choir Invitation is for a single choir; please contact the festival director to inquire about entering a second group in a different division. The categories are: Concert Choir (including chamber, madrigal , concert music), Show Choir (Broadway, pop or show music with choreography) and Jazz/Pop Choir (jazz, blues, gospel or pop music without choreography).
Registration Fee The registration fee of $500.00 per choir must be paid upon return of the Festival Application Form. Checks should be made out to Roxbury High School Choir. A purchase order is also acceptable. If you are not selected as a participant, check/purchase order will be returned to you.
Soloists All participating choirs are permitted to enter up to four soloists (two concert/classical and two show/jazz/pop) into the separate Solo Division Competition. Each solo participant will receive a short clinic from the Solo Division Adjudicators following their performance in front of a small audience. Selection of soloists will be made at the participating high school director's discretion. A student may only participate in one category. Schools are responsible for providing their own accompanists.
Choral Performances Choral performances (including set-up) are to be a maximum of 20 minutes per concert, jazz, pop or show choir. Soloists' performances should be a maximum of five minutes per performer. TIME LIMITS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
Clinics A clinic will follow each choral performance in a separate room for immediate feedback by an adjudicator.
Trophies All participating choirs will receive a trophy at the conclusion of the festival with a rating of Bronze (good), Silver (excellent), or Gold (superior).
Evening Showcase The concert choirs, show choirs, jazz choirs, pop choirs and soloists with the highest daytime scores will be selected to compete in the Evening Showcase event.
Time Slots Daytime time slots will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the Evening Showcase from 7p.m. to 10 p.m. The Solo Division competition will take place in another location in the building throughout the day.
Tickets Parents and friends will be given an opportunity to purchase tickets ahead of time through each choir director.
Participating Choirs The participating choirs will receive more information after application/acceptance, including further information on the awards, soloist competition, special individual achievement awards, additional rules and regulations, and information on local accommodations at reasonable rates.
Awards Ratings trophies will be awarded at the conclusion of the festival (10 p.m.) for all participating choirs. Awards will also be given for the top performing choirs and soloists, Best Backup Band (bands may have one faculty member on piano/keyboard, but otherwise must be all-student to be eligible) and Outstanding Individual/Special Achievement awards for noteworthy performances.